From his first sounds, the jury turned the chairs and realized that a new star had appeared


That seemed to be exactly what happened when a very talented young woman, known only as Mennel, appeared on La Voz France to perform this popular song. It’s hard not to be fascinated by everything you see and hear about Mennell.

In fact, one of the judges was so mesmerized by the young lady’s sweet, angelic tones that he jumped on the red button with enthusiasm seconds after hearing her sing. When the judge saw the innocent and sweet face behind her in that voice, he knew that this young woman was sent from heaven. But she’s waiting to hear Mennell’s surprising twist on this Leonard Cohen classic.

Her singing style will surely steal your heart. Instead of dressing up like a pop diva, the young beauty preferred to show off her natural beauty.

Her hair was covered with a simple scarf, which only drew more attention to her mesmerizing blue eyes. Her minimalist look also brought out her sweet voice, so all you have to do is relax in the delicious sound bath that filled the room.

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